about spiritually healthy you

Spirituality connecting head, heart and hand

Hello Friends, Welcome to Spiritually Healthy You. We have one fundamental conviction: people were meant to connect to God through their bodies, not despite them. 

By learning more about Spiritually Healthy You, you are joining a movement towards becoming a whole person. We’ve created this site as a touchstone between the sacred and the ordinary. We recognize that we’re creatures, made of both dust and the very breath of God. Ultimately, we believe you are designed for an integrated life of body, soul and spirit. At Spiritually Healthy You (SHU), your mental and physical well-being are in constant conversation with your spirit. We believe we can’t develop one without influencing the other.

HEAD: Enrich YOUR Mind for a Reflective Spirituality

Often times we think of spirituality as “airy fairy” or a hyper emotional experience. Although we embrace the mysteries of God at SHU, we also affirm the Christian faith’s long history of critical thinking and deep theological reflection. For this reason we found integrating psychological insights and scientific research create a more grounded spiritual life in the real world. We affirm that wherever there is good, there is God.

Spirituality doesn’t have to fear the sciences, but can embrace them as partners in deepening our soulwork

Developing into a spiritually healthy person requires grit and grind, science and psychology, theology and sociology. Without critical thought on our spiritual experience we will lack depth and risk standing on unsafe ground. Come with us as we explore mind-body medicine, health benefits of prayer and community, the relationship between faith and science.

HEART: Deepen Your Spiritual Maturity

Another problem in the spiritual life is called, “spiritual bypassing.” This a common term used of Christians who employ their faith to avoid important and foundational psychological development. We affirm that God is the author of adulthood and psychological maturity. To be a Christian is to be an adult with God, taking responsibility for our feelings, thoughts, and actions.  

Whatever it means to be spiritual, it isn’t less than being a mature adult. 

At SHU, the heart is kept healthy through cultivating self-awareness, developing a healthy Ego, and living an assertive life with God and his people. Join us as we journey through the contemplative tradition and through key psychological modalities that have worked wonders for us.

HAND: Ground Your Spirituality in the Body

At SHU,  messiness is spirituality’s favorite soil. It is impossible to be spiritual without the body. Try to fast, pray, read the Bible, or go on a pilgrimage without your body. God takes the body seriously calling it “good.” Our approach here is guided by the end in mind – if we will have fully resurrected bodies in the new creation, why would we ignore the physicality that God has blessed?

Whatever it means to be spiritual, it isn’t less than being physically healthy, and practically present

Since spirituality is embodied it has vast implications on our practices, our eating, and our child-rearing. Come with us as we apply the spiritual life in creation care, food, habits, and liturgical worship. Learn what it means to lean into God through your body. Find meaning in the ordinary life of parenting, marriage, and community conflicts.

The Problem we want to address

For centuries the Christian faith has been plagued with a pseudo Spirituality that is dis-embodied, dis-integrated, and sought after as always an extraordinary experience. Even today, technology and new age mysticism have made us believe that a spiritual life, leaves the body behind. What would happen if the opposite were true?

The Solution

Become Spiritually Healthy through a 3-fold approach: connecting head, heart, and hand. Embracing yourself as an embodied creature to experience God fully in the midst of daily living.


Writing on Embodied, Integrated, and Ordinary Spirituality

Valerie Heyn

Valerie Heyn is a home educator who is always looking for ways to bring meaning and beauty to the mundane of life. She is working to steward four rambunctious humans Selah, Isaiah, and their toddler twins, Evangeline and Angelo, into grateful and resilient persons who love God and others. Valerie has BA in business which she used to manage three different businesses (in another life) and is now working towards a MA in theology and art from Regent College while balancing the demands of a busy home life. Her passion is to empower others to grow in authenticity with themselves and God. When she finds free time she enjoys listening to audiobooks,cooking Mexican food, and hosting celebrations with friends & family.

Matt Heyn

Matt is a Certified Spiritual Health Practitioner and Spiritual Health Clinical Educator for CPE. He has counseled patients and families amidst end of life concerns and in inter-faith religious environments for the last 10 years in Canada and the US. Matt has degrees in theology and Divinity (BTh, MDiv). When he's not offering spiritual health to his clients, he enjoys language learning (Habla Espanol, si?), watching Star Trek re-runs, and wrestling his 4 kids.

What Will I Find On Spiritually Healthy You?

  • Thoughtful and Practical Articles from a trans-denomentional Christian perspective
  • Evidence-based Spirituality from current medical literature
  •  Articles on finding meaning where you are at in Parenting, Marriage, & Relationships
  •  Courses on Teachable (Soon to Come)
  • Top Resources in Spirituality
  • Some of our own photography

Thirsty For More? Taste and See!!

At the Beaches of Vancouver BC, Baby!


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jeremiah Burdette

    Hey bud, I was at my men’s study group this evening and you popped into my head. I wanted to reach out to you and see how you have been. I hope you are doing well. I would love to talk soon or shoot an email back and forth. 4 kids though, I can imagine you are pretty busy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers brother.


    1. Matthew Heyn

      HI Jeremiah! I sent an email to your personal email. check it out there!

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